Platform functionality

  • Ядро и язык моделирования
    Core and modeling language
    Own world-class language that allows you to optimize any organizational and technical systems
  • GUI GPSS Studio
    GUI GPSS Studio
    Simulation Model Development User Interface
  • Интерактивная карта
    Interactive map
    Real-time display of important metrics based on data from the simulation engine
  • Блокчейн
    Ensuring data security and trust, forming a trusted decision-making environment based on reliable and trusted data
  • Автономное имитационное приложение
    Standalone simulation application
    The ability to create stand-alone applications with data input / output and analysis of results based on the developed models
  • Голосовой помощник
    Voice assistant
    Simplified access to calculation and optimization results based on voice control

Creation of digital twins

Реальные объекты
It is expensive to experiment with a living system.
Long response time when experimenting.
The impossibility of optimizing the entire system as a whole.
It is impossible to build an analytical model: the system has time, causal relationships, consequences, nonlinearities, stochastic (random) variables.
Digital copy
Easy to answer the question:
"What if?"
The ability to experiment without harming the real system.
Get accurate information about system performance.
Predict future states using predictive analytics models.
Based on the above approach, digital twins of real objects of any complexity are easily created, which allows you to make the best and well-grounded management decisions!

The core and language of GPSS ALINA modeling

A powerful general purpose computer simulation environment designed for the simulation professional.
- Using virtualization
- Interactivity
- Graphical user interface
- Visualization of the modeling process
- High performance translator
- Ability to input and output data during the simulation
Standalone simulation application
After you have debugged the model and made sure that the model works as you intended, you can start developing a simulation application (add interfaces for data input, output and analysis of results to the model). The environment has a developed toolkit for creating individual input and output forms for any GPSS model.
Insight & Data Driven Management Platform

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