It is a powerful general purpose computer simulation environment designed for simulation professionals. It is a comprehensive modeling tool covering both discrete and continuous computer modeling, with a high level of interactivity and visual presentation of information.

It has such advantages as:
- Multitasking
- Virtual memory usage
- Interactivity
- Graphical user interface
- Visualization of the modeling process
- High performance translator
- Ability to input and output data during the simulation
- Saving running simulation processes with the possibility of subsequent loading and continuing execution
- Programmable experiments with automatic data analysis;
- Automatic generators of screening and optimizing experiments;
- Automatic integration of ordinary differential equations of any order;
- Batch mode with controlled exit from the application;
- Ability to dynamically call functions from external files.


The modeling core of the system remains the GPSS ALINA simulation language.

The fundamental principles implemented in the GPSS Studio environment are:

• A unified research space, consisting in automating the actions of the researcher throughout the entire process of simulation research. All input data, models and results are combined for each model as a single project.
• Simplification of interaction with the model in the process of research and providing the researcher with convenient, visual and customizable interfaces for the subject area.
• Provision of graphical and other tools to enable researchers of different backgrounds to construct models and conduct simulation studies.
• Opportunities for mass use of models through the creation of simulation applications focused on the subject area.

The current set of features of the GPSS Studio environment allows you to: create hierarchical simulation models in a visual editor using the general-to-specific and specific-to-general approaches, or a combination of both; generate new logic using GPSS code blocks; debug and execute models; analyze simulation results; carry out single experiments and series of experiments; perform detailed monitoring of variables during the simulation; create an animation video and create an independent simulation application for the customer.
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